Occupying the Same Space

I’m afraid it’s a serious mistake to write, as you have, that “most Christian theologians have labeled the belief in one fully Divine Jesus as the monophysite heresy”. This is by no means the case. Every orthodox Christian believes and teaches...

Two Birds

I can easily understand your desire to re-marry; given your many years in that state, it’s only natural that you would feel lonely now and only natural in turn that you would keenly desire to return to what you knew. At the risk of seeming rather cold and...

How To Be a Poet

Your reference to Crossett’s poem is most timely. As it happens we just finished J. R. R. Tolkien’s Silmarillion in the “Oxford Inklings” honors seminar I am teaching this term, and during the course of exploring this book we had occasion to...

The Greatest of Sinners

What you describe is not uncommon. The spiritual life entails a process of purgation, and it is in the nature of things that the ego, sensing its own eventual death, will react against this. From the ego’s point of view, as a spiritual master once told me,...

Reacting, Judging, Criticizing

Allow me to add a postscript to “Caught in the Middle” (see September 12). As I suggested but perhaps did not sufficiently emphasize, one of Hadot’s most important points in his book is that the ancient schools were united more by their commitment to...