The Despotism of the Eye

Be very careful: discrimination (viveka) between Ātma and Māyā, or the Real and illusory, is a good deal trickier than you may have realized. It’s easy to make the mistake of supposing that the two terms are somehow parallel and thus equally real, even though...

The Oxford Comma

I’m glad you liked Eats, Shoots, and Leaves; it is indeed a wonderful book, as you say. But I confess I was surprised when you expressed your disappointment that the author, Lynne Truss, “takes anything less than a fascist attitude toward imposing the...

No Longer Dying Death as Before

The key to Christian teaching on the subject of the Crucifixion is closely related to the Christological point I was speaking about in my last post (30 September). Christ is not merely empowered or indwelled by the Divine Logos or Word; He is that Logos in human form....