Not a Consolation Prize

On the subject of salvation and the posthumous states, a distinction is sometimes made among traditionalist authorities between (1) salvation as such and (2) deification, the second being equivalent to the Hindu moksha, that is, to the realization of our...

Mental Health and the Classics

Though I’m very sorry to hear about this “bump in your road”, I’m not really sure what to recommend in the way of helpful reading. I’m probably a poor person to ask, in fact, since my own greatest solace in moments of crisis tends to come...

One Tactic

Keeping one’s emotions in check is not the same as pretending they aren’t there or suppressing them. The people who, you say, “encourage and demand the full experience of whatever emotion you are going through” may be concerned that otherwise...

Non-Dual Christianity?

I’ll have to go back and reread the chapter you mention—Philip Sherrard’s “Metaphysics of Logic” in his Christianity: Lineaments of a Sacred Tradition (Holy Cross, 1998)—before I can offer anything close to a solid response. What I can...

Pulling Back

Finding the right balance is certainly difficult, though I’ve been playing the juggler long enough, I suppose, that I take a certain delight in moving, as efficiently and skillfully as possible, between my university teaching and my writing and publishing...