by cutsinger | Jul 30, 2009 | Uncategorized
On the subject of Gurdjieff, I’m minded to quote a Zen saying I rather like and have used on quite disparate occasions: “Even false words are true if they lead to enlightenment; even true words are false if they breed attachment.” Needless to say...
by cutsinger | Jul 11, 2009 | Uncategorized
Once again you write with questions of a technical order: How should one sit when meditating? How should one breathe? Is there a “most appropriate” mode of invocatory elocution? What is the best way to “coordinate” the attention given the Name...
by cutsinger | Jul 3, 2009 | Uncategorized
Amidists, you say, are necessarily proponents of a “situation ethics” since the absolutist’s presumption of knowing exactly how to act or what to do in every circumstance betokens a lopsided reliance on himself and “his own purported...