- My Last Lecture
- Christophanic Reflections on The Saint John’s Bible
- Disagreeing to Agree
- Hesychia: An Orthodox Opening to Esoteric Ecumenism
- Perennial Philosophy and Christianity
- Toward a Method of Knowing Spirit
- A Reflection on the Lord’s Prayer
- Pilgrimage to the Holy Mountain
- Three Lines of Spiritual Work
- The Death of God
- An Open Letter on Tradition
- A Knowledge that Wounds Our Nature
- Thinking the Unthinkable: Anselm’s Excitatio Mentis
- The Yoga of Hesychasm
- The Mystery of the Two Natures
- On Earth as It Is in Heaven
- Colorless Light and Pure Air
- Requiring Religion: Be What Knows
- C. S. Lewis as Apologist and Mystic
- Femininity, Hierarchy, and God
- The Sound of a Lecture Undelivered
- The Middle Way of Christ: Dialogue with the Dalai Lama
- The Noble Lie
- Provocations in Place of Answers
- Once and Future College: Rose Hill in Theory and Practice