The Job That Was My Joy

Chris Horn, a student of mine from the early 1980s and now Director of the Writers’ Group in the University of South Carolina’s office of Communications and Public Affairs, has recently written an article about my several decades of teaching at USC, the...

How To Be(Come) a Master Teacher

In early June of 2018—nearly a year after a diagnosis of cancer and a much earlier than expected retirement from my teaching at the University of South Carolina—my family put together a wonderful party for me. Several university colleagues came, as well as numerous...

Introduction to Philosophy

How and what to teach in an introductory philosophy course? I suppose, given the two basic approaches you mention, I’d be inclined to follow the first: the historical rather than the topical. The latter gives the impression that ideas come in neat and tidy little...

Was Christ a Martyr?

It seems to me you and your friend could both be right, depending on how one wishes to use the term “martyr”. As you know, “martyr” means “witness”, and it’s clear from the Gospel that Christ Himself was a witness. He tells us, for example, that He came to do “not my...

Cutting the Knot

It’s a Gordian Knot. Don’t try to “untie” it. Just cut it. Cut through to essentials. You are yourself getting tied up in knots over peripheral issues. Is there a longstanding prejudice in the Church against Origen? Sure. Is there, in certain quarters, an...