The Job That Was My Joy
Chris Horn, a student of mine from the early 1980s and now Director of the Writers' Group in the University of South Carolina's office of Communications and Public Affairs, has recently written an article about my several decades of teaching at USC, the second article...
How To Be(Come) a Master Teacher
In early June of 2018—nearly a year after a diagnosis of cancer and a much earlier than expected retirement from my teaching at the University of South Carolina—my family put together a wonderful party for me. Several university colleagues came, as well as numerous...
Introduction to Philosophy
How and what to teach in an introductory philosophy course? I suppose, given the two basic approaches you mention, I’d be inclined to follow the first: the historical rather than the topical. The latter gives the impression that ideas come in neat and tidy little...
Was Christ a Martyr?
It seems to me you and your friend could both be right, depending on how one wishes to use the term “martyr”. As you know, “martyr” means “witness”, and it’s clear from the Gospel that Christ Himself was a witness. He tells us, for example, that He came to do “not my...
Cutting the Knot
It’s a Gordian Knot. Don't try to “untie” it. Just cut it. Cut through to essentials. You are yourself getting tied up in knots over peripheral issues. Is there a longstanding prejudice in the Church against Origen? Sure. Is there, in certain quarters, an...
Imagination: Seductive or Sub-Creative?
I’m not sure there’s quite the dispute or divide you imagine (!) between the Romantics and the Orthodox. You’re right, of course, that many Fathers, both ancient and modern, often warn against the distracting dangers of imagination. To pick but one example, St Maximos...
Perpetual Virginity and Pain
As you no doubt know, the three stars on the Virgin’s maphorion (mantle) in Orthodox icons—one on Her head, and one on each shoulder—are intended to signify Her perpetual virginity: (1) before, (2) during, and (3) after the birth of Christ. The “during” often puzzles...
A Question of Translation
What’s the best way to render the French déifuge when translating Schuon? Previous translators (myself among them) have generally opted for the literal transposition, “deifugal”, but you’re thinking about “theofugal”, you say, or else simply “God-fleeing”. As I see...
An Extraordinary Visitor
Your information is correct: the Kursk Root Icon has indeed been traveling throughout the Southeastern United States in recent days. In fact we were very fortunate to have had it in our home one evening this past week; here is one of the photos we took. From the way...
Not Just Harps and Nightgowns
Yes, it’s true—I say this based on my own personal, though very limited, experience, as well as (much more importantly!) the consistent teaching of the Orthodox Church—that our prayers and other spiritual work can have a healing impact on others, including those who...