Second, Not Second Best

It would be more accurate to say, not that Christ is the incarnation of the Second Person, but that Christ is the Second Person incarnate; indeed Christ is the Christian Name for the Second Person as such, whether incarnate or not—the Name, in other words, for...

A Case of Mistaken Case in the KJV

Thank you for your note concerning the fifth example of an error regarding case that I give on the first page of my Breviary of English Usage. I so much enjoy discussions of the language; so few people, including academics, seem to care anymore. It is no doubt a risky...

Japa Yoga

There is of course for every spiritual traveler, inevitably, a certain cycle of alternation between times of dryness and times of consolation. The sense of “distance” from God which you mention is not unexpected and you need not be concerned about it; my...


Regarding vanity, I suppose if you were having dinner with Saint John Maximovitch he would make a point of ladling his soup over his mustache and beard and then “making himself up” to mock you. Not being a fool—or not at least in that sense!—I...

Evolution and the “Facts”

What you are referring to, I believe, is a piece of mine that actually appeared last year as a letter to the editor in The Chronicle of Higher Education. The Chronicle rather butchered it, but I have placed it below in full: Richard Monastersky informs us in his...