by cutsinger | Nov 30, 2008 | Uncategorized
Having started down a path toward Orthodoxy, you’re now having “second thoughts” and are thinking instead of a return to Islam. Do I know of any “similar cases”? It’s a strange coincidence—or so it would seem from our...
by cutsinger | Nov 21, 2008 | Uncategorized
Word is that administrators at La Trobe University in Australia have decided to scrap their thriving program in perennialist and traditionalist studies. Harry Oldmeadow, author of Traditionalism: Religion in Light of the Perennial Philosophy as well as a number of...
by cutsinger | Nov 10, 2008 | Uncategorized
What you describe is entirely normal, and your way of describing it is accurate, if a bit casual! The ego is indeed fighting against being “downsized”. Longer, more discursive prayers give the ego a certain amount of elbow room, as it were; we can...
by cutsinger | Nov 4, 2008 | Uncategorized
Believe me, I’m keenly aware of the problems you’re facing, and I thank God every day I’m not just starting out, as you are, in the college teaching business. May Heaven guard and defend you. For “business” is precisely what it’s...