Picking Up Your Feet

It’s quite understandable that beauty, particularly sonorous beauty, is for you an opening to Heaven and even—in its way—a modality of prayer. There is certainly nothing to apologize for if you have an affinity for sacred music. On the other hand, this alone...

Atheist 1, Theist 0

The recent Christopher Hitchens vs. Alister McGrath debate? Yes, as a matter of fact I did see it—not in person, but on-line. One of my graduate students, who had thought about making the trip to Georgetown but then changed his mind, sent me a link, and with his...

Sollemnitas in Conceptione Immaculata

Yes, I have indeed been rather “out of commission” with regard to this weblog for the last week or so, devoting my energies to preparing a short article I’m calling, provisionally, “Provocations in Place of Answers”. It’s been one...

Unlimited Limitation

How, you ask, would the Christian tradition defend itself against the Islamic reproach that the Incarnation (hulul) “restricts” the Divine Presence? You would like to know, more precisely, what a Christian might say to those “several Sufis” who...

No Longer I

You’ve come to realize, you say, that despite your best intentions your motives for spiritual work remain largely “ego-based”. It’s doubtless important to have noted this fact, but I wouldn’t brood about it. After all, Christ Himself...