Guenonian Complicity in Christian Confusion

I’m happy to hear you’ve worked out a modus vivendi for yourself. I hoped you would not have to break with this community since it was evident from your earlier messages how valuable the friendship of the monks has become to you. In any case, you seem to...

On Spiritual Styles

I agree there are different spiritual “styles”—though I’m not terribly keen on that word—ranging along a spectrum between the combative and the contented, if one might put it this way. But they are by no means exclusive; everyone needs to...

Garments of Skin

You inquired about the Patristic idea that the “garments of skins” (Gen. 3:21) God made for Adam and Eve were not merely the furry hides of some animals, but in fact physical bodies, their supralapsarian forms having been of a spiritual, or at least more...

Independent Sages

You ask about “independent sages”. The only person I can think of whom the perennialist authorities would regard as a genuine master, but who seems to have been unaffiliated with any revealed tradition, is Plotinus. One recalls his response to...