Yes, we can definitely say that the general resurrection will lead to “something that hasn’t been know or seen, and which didn’t even exist, before”—that is, during the present (or any previous) age. That’s just good Christian theology: it will be “a new heaven and a new earth” (Rev. 21:1), not the old ones.

When it comes to the relationship, temporal and otherwise, between creation and the fall, we get into the realm of theologoumena and speculation. I call my students’ attention to the fact that St Irenaeus, among others, teaches that the created world is ipso facto imperfect, since whatever is generated is necessarily less than what is not generated. Following this line of thought, we could therefore say that the creation amounts to a “first fall”, followed sequentially—in keeping with the temporal narrative of the Scriptures—by the fall of the angels and then the fall of man.

On the other hand I see no reason to reject the meta-temporal possibility (or possibilities) you propose: that the fall of man in some way logically preceded, and perhaps thus entailed, the fall of creation—or rather that fall-which-is-creation—or again that these two “events” are so intimately interconnected that the fall of man and the creation of the universe (as we know it) are two sides of the same coin, or two ways of saying the same thing.